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Kingsmoor Lower School

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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Is your child eligible for Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium Funding for children in school

This information could be a great help to the school in supporting specific children. Please read this information carefully and contact the school (01525 712448) or via email ( if you think it is relevant to you or your child.
What is Pupil Premium? 

Pupil Premium is an amount of money paid to schools to help raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to ensure those pupils are expected to make as much progress as their peers in school. This is known as ‘closing the gap’. The Pupil Premium money is paid to the school based on the numbers of pupils receiving free school meals, and also for any Looked After Children or children from service families. The funding enables the school to add in some additional teaching time, some one to one support and some additional opportunities if beneficial to the children’s learning. We have a policy for what we are able to offer and this is also on this website.
The school is able to receive Pupil Premium funding for all pupils who are eligible for free school meals. You may be able to claim for free school meals if you receive one of the following benefits:
• Income Support
• Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
• Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
• Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
• Universal Credit

Who else can receive Pupil Premium? 

In addition to the above pupils, from April 2014, schools receive Pupil Premium for children from care, or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30 December 2005
The Government has extended coverage of the Pupil Premium in recognition of the traumatic experiences some adopted children may have endured in their early lives, and a realisation that their needs do not change overnight, even if they are now in a loving home. As their experiences in early life can have a lasting impact which can affect the child many years after adoption, the Government believes that teachers and schools have a vital role to play in helping these children emotionally, socially and educationally, to raise their attainment and address their wider needs. The funding the school receives can help offer additional support or services to these children.

What do I need to do? 

The funding for the financial year 2018 – 19 was based on the numbers of these pupils
registered at the school on 19 January 2019. If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please apply before 6 January 2020. If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, you should contact Central Bedfordshire Council on 0300 300 8306.
To enable the school to claim the Pupil Premium, we would be grateful if you could inform the school if you have adopted a child or receive a Special Guardianship Order since 30 December 2005. If you could show us the original Adoption Order or Special Guardianship Order, even if you have informed us of this in the past, this will ensure we can apply for the funding. This information will of course be treated with the strictest confidence and we appreciate this may raise questions or concerns in your mind that you may wish to discuss further with Mrs. Jenkins.
We will need to record this information on the next school census which takes place on 16th January 2020; in order to receive the funding for the next financial year, we request that you inform us by that date.


Kingsmoor Lower School - Pupil Premium Executive Summary 2022- 24

Helping Hands Scheme


If  you are currently in receipt of free school meals you will be entitled to Kingsmoor Lower School's 'Helping Hands'  scheme.


What Does the 'Helping Hands' Scheme Offer?


Free School Uniform

Each school year you will be able to have certain items of uniform for your child which will include:

1 blue school bag

1 embroidered sweatshirt or cardigan

1 polo shirt


Free PE Kit

1 pair of PE shorts

1 PE bag

1 PE t-shirt


You will be issued with vouchers which can be used at any time during the financial year (April - March).  All you have to do  is hand your voucher/s into the school office or Lowe Go's and exchange them for the uniform required.


School Trip

If your child's class / year group is going on a school trip, one trip per year will be funded for you.


Before / After School Clubs

At Kingsmoor School we run a variety of before and after school clubs.  You will be given one voucher up to the value of £30 each year for your child to attend one club of their choice (subject to availabilty).


