- Kingsmoor Lower School, Kingsmoor Close, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1EY
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- 01525712448
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- schooloffice@kingsmoorschool.co.uk
Art / Design Technology
Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Kingsmoor, we want our children to develop their creativity and be able to express themselves and create a variety of art and design work by using a range of stimulus and resources. Art will be used to support learning across other subjects, as well as developing motor skills, decision making, collaboration and evaluating skills. We want our pupils to appreciate the work of different artists, along with a range of art work from different cultures and times.
Within the Early Years the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is followed through the theme ‘Expressive Arts and Design’. In Key Stage One and Two, Art and Design is taught following the aims and content of the National Curriculum 2014. As Key Stage 2 are in mixed classes, a two year rolling programme is followed and the projects and artists studied change accordingly. The children will continuously improve their drawing, sketching and painting skills, as well as being exposed to more demanding art techniques each year. Activities will include collage, printing, textiles, painting, drawing and sculpture, including focused work exploring the different styles and techniques of a range of artists, for example, Van Gogh, Picasso, Jackson Pollock and Monet, Andy Warhol, Henri Rousseau. The children will be taught to use a range of materials creatively, using drawing and painting to share ideas, experiences and imagination. They will be taught different art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture and tones, as well as the use of tools safely and effectively. We will use a wide range of different stimuli to engage and enthuse the children, planning art activities which link closely, where possible, to topic work. In Key Stage 2 each child has a sketch book to record samples of their work.
The children are assessed by their teachers as each art project is completed, which helps to inform future teaching and learning.
Through our art teaching we strive:
- For the children to acquire the age related expectations in Art and Design.
- For the children to develop a love of creativity, learning to become imaginative and enjoy using art as an expressive medium.
- For the children to be inspired, work hard to meet the challenges and become resilient learners.
- For the children to work independently and to also be able to contribute effectively in paired, group or class creations.
- For the children to grow in confidence to evaluate and modify their work.
Yearly Art Overview
Art Policy
Intent, Implementation and Impact
In Design Technology at Kingsmoor, we will provide opportunities for the children to acquire knowledge and skills to enable them to design and make models and food products using a range of resources and tools. Design Technology will be used to compliment Topics being studied by each year group, as well as developing decision making, collaboration and evaluating skills. We aim to provide learning opportunities to develop their knowledge of designing and their ability to apply vocabulary accurately. We provide opportunities for them to work as individuals and as members of a team which can develop problem solving, practical capabilities and evaluation skills through collective discussions.
Within the Early Years the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is followed through the theme ‘Expressive Arts and Design’. In Key Stage One and Two, D&T is taught following the aims and content of the National Curriculum 2014. As Key Stage 2 are in mixed classes, a two year rolling programme is followed and the activities and projects completed are planned to reflect this. The children will focus on 5 specific areas when creating D & T products, designing, making, evaluating, technical knowledge and Cooking and Nutrition. We develop an understanding in the STEM subjects such as Science and Maths to enable a cross curricular approach where appropriate. We use a wide range of different stimuli to engage and enthuse the children including construction, textiles, mechanisms and cooking and nutrition. While making products, the children are given choices of materials and tools to use, ensuring that they are taught to use them effectively and safely. Once a product is completed the children are encouraged to evaluate their finished work against a given criteria.
The children are assessed by their teachers as each project is completed, which helps to inform future teaching and learning.
Through our Design Technology teaching we strive:
- For the children to acquire the age related expectations in Design Technology.
- For the children to develop a love of creativity learning, to become imaginative and enjoy Design Technology.
- For the children to be curious about how and why things are made and enjoy making models and products of their own.
- For the children to understand and use subject specific vocabulary in DT.
- For the children to retain and build on knowledge, understanding and skills.
- For the children to acquire skills that they can use out of and beyond school.
- For the children to be inspired, work hard to meet the challenges of designing, making and become resilient learners.
- For the children to work independently and to also be able to contribute effectively in paired, group or class creations.
- For the children to grow in confidence to evaluate and modify their work.