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Kingsmoor Lower School

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Religious Education (RE)

Religious Education (R.E.)


“As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall.” Ram Dass


At Kingsmoor, we intend for our children to understand, value and respect the richness of the religious diversity within our school, our community, our country and our world. Through enquiry and exploration, children develop knowledge of different faiths and an understanding of the people who practice them. This sows the seeds for the children’s personal understanding of faith and religion to grow, enabling them to think critically and discuss world-views confidently. As they move through the school, knowledge learnt in RE is linked to different areas of the curriculum, and deepened through other areas of school life such as our strong school values.



Mrs. Jenkins is our R.E. subject-lead teacher. Religious Education is taught in class lessons, but is also evident throughout school life, for example through assemblies, our values ethos and celebrations of religious festivals of different faiths throughout the year. We have strong links with local churches, who regularly visit school to share their Christian faith, and have also supported both staff and children at important times for Kingsmoor. We are actively exploring developing similar links with other religious communities locally. At Kingsmoor we follow the R.E. Agreed Syllabus 2024-2029 for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. The table below shows which R.E. topics are taught throughout the school.

Impact: We are proud that Kingsmoor children’s knowledge and understanding of world faiths is evident in the informed, articulate and considered way they can talk about their learning. Children’s understanding of RE is assessed by class teachers in every lesson, either informally through discussion and practical activities, or more formally through pieces of work the children have done. As subject-lead, Mrs Jenkins oversees the assessment and impact of children’s learning, to ensure our children continue to benefit from high-quality Religious Education, preparing them for their future in our multi-cultural society.


Kingsmoor Lower School Yearly RE Overview


Our RE Curriculum is designed to equip children with the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life. It provides children with essential knowledge about world religions and different communities so that they are well-informed citizens ready for the real world, in line with their more advantaged counterparts. Our RE Must Knows cover a wide range of topics that link to religious and non-religious views that allow children to broaden their learning about different communities beyond their own. 


Our RE curriculum also provides children with plenty of opportunities to develop their critical and reflective thinking which will support them in discovering their own journey of purpose and meaning in the future. All children get the opportunity to visit places of worship to broaden their experiences with religion. At Kingsmoor, we believe this is a crucial part of addressing the lack of knowledge and understanding of diversity in out local community.


 Open the Book assemblies once a month. Church volunteers that bring Bible stories to life for the whole school.
 Autumn 1Autumn 2SpringSummer

Harvest Assembly led by local Church leader


KS2 - Christian Leadership visit

KS2 - Visit Kings Church (cycle 1)

Christingle Service in Kings Church led by Church leader - allEaster AssemblyVisit to Church (Flitwick)
KS1 Rabbi visit - Jewish Festivals


£130 for tour (travel by train) travel cost £270 for the whole group (off peak return)



  Autumn SpringSummer


RE in nursery is based around religious festivals of different faiths, throughout the year.
RabbitsWhy is the word 'God' so important to Christians?Why is Christmas special for Christians?Being special: Where do we belong?Why is Easter special for Christians?Which places are specially valued and why?Which stories are specially valued and why?


(Honeybees & Red Kites)

Year 1


What do Christians believe God is like? 


Why does Christmas matter to Christians? How and why do we celebrate special times?


What makes some places significant? What makes some places sacred to believers? 


Why does Easter matter to Christians? What can we learn from sacred books and stories?


Who is a Muslim? What do they believe and how do they live?



Who is Jewish? What do they believe and how do they live?

Year 2


How do we show we care for others? Why does it matter?


How and Why do we celebrate significant times? What makes some celebrations sacred to believers?


How do we show we care for the Earth? Why does it matter?


What is the 'good news' Christians believe Jesus brings?


What can we learn from sacred books and stories?


Who is an inspiring person? What stories inspire Jewish people?



(Robins & Owls)

Cycle 1


Where, how and why do people worship?

Islam/Judaism/Christians/Non- religious people

Why do some people think life is like a journey? How and why do people mark the significant events of life?


What is the 'Trinity' and why is it important for Christians?


Why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'?


How do festivals and worship show what matters to Muslims?


How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

Cycle 2


What kind of world did Jesus want?


How is faith expressed in Hindu communities and traditions?


How is faith expressed in Sikh communities and traditions?

Christianity/Islam/Sikhism/Non religious people

What are the deeper meanings of the festivals?


For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost?

Christianity/Islam/Sikhism/Non religious people

How and why do people try to make the world a better place?


