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Kingsmoor Lower School

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Through Science we understand the world around us and we learn the
strategies and processes of investigation and discovery.
At Kingsmoor we want the children to develop an enthusiasm and love for
Science by exploring the natural world, physical forces and materials. We want
to develop the children’s natural curiosity and to encourage them to ask
questions. Through discussion and exploration the children will develop skills
to predict, explain and draw conclusions in Science lessons.
A range of resources are used to plan exciting lessons, where the experience of
talking about what they are doing, learning through exploration and
investigation is at the heart.
Learning through the process of working scientifically is an effective way for
the children to learn concepts, ask questions, be curious, improve observation
skills to extend and challenge any prior learning.
By understanding the key concepts they will then be able to use apparatus to
apply their knowledge and become confident in their ability to make links
between their learning and the real world.


Science Intent, Implementation and Impact



At Kingsmoor, we believe that Science stimulates and teaches the children to question, investigate and explore the world around them. It teaches them key skills that are transferable to every aspect of life and promotes critical thinking. It helps the children to make sense of the world around them, as well as promoting curiosity and exploration.  



In Key Stage One and Two, Science is taught following the aims and content of the National Curriculum 2014. Within the Early Years the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is followed through the theme ‘Understanding The World’.  As Key Stage 2 are in mixed classes, a two year rolling programme is followed. All the children are encouraged to ask questions and working scientifically is revisited and included in all lessons, with a variety of scientific enquiries being encouraged- classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing, observing changes over time, looking for patterns and using secondary resources by using books. Within the Science topics the children in Years 1 to 4 also learn about significant individuals who have influenced the thinking in a specific area, for example Thomas Edison, Mary Anning, Charles Macintosh. We endeavour to build on prior knowledge discussing what they have learnt or already know about specific topics before undertaking new work. Practical/first hand experience work is an important element of Science work, including using the outdoor areas.  Where applicable links to Science will be made to develop the children’s topical learning. We record work in a variety of ways using and making links with other areas of the curriculum. When we can we invite outside agencies in to inspire and motivate the pupils. Our Woodland Area provides the natural outdoor Science lab which our children can explore. The school library also aids the teaching of this subject. In order to promote the excitement Science offers, pupils will have the opportunity to share their work in assemblies, whole school displays and on our school communication platforms.

The children are assessed by their teachers half termly and the information helps to inform future teaching and learning.

The children are teacher assessed at the end of Year 2 as part of the end of Key Stage 1 SATs process.



We strive for the children to:

  • Acquire the age related knowledge linked to the Science curriculum.
  • Retain the knowledge that is pertinent to Science with real life context
  • To develop the investigative skills linked to the science enquiry skills
  • To have the confidence to ask, explore and find answers to scientific questions.
  • To develop a knowledge of scientific vocabulary and the impact scientists have on our world.
  • To develop the children’s ‘Science Capital’, ensuring an understanding of how the Science we teach is relevant to the world, themselves and their future.
  • To enjoy, share and be inspired to find out about the world around them.

Yearly Science Overview 


  Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
EYFSLadybirdsOurselves - Body PartsCooking and ChangesNatural Materials - Changing materials by melting

Weather - Light, Dark and shadows

Life cycle of a Butterfly

Plants and new life - Growing plants

Forces - Floating and sinking

Ourselves - Our Senses,

Seasonal Changes



Seasonal Changes



Seasonal Changes

The lifecycle of a Chick


Seasonal Changes

Living things - Plants and trees

Lifecycle of a flower

Animal Habitats- Life cycle of a frog.

Seasonal Changes

Y1Red KitesPlants - Seasonal Changes- Autumn and Winter

Everyday Materials


Seasonal Changes

Animals including Humans

Plants and Living Things - Forest School

Seasonal Changes - Spring

Plants and Living Things

Plants and Living Things 

Forest School


Seasonal Changes - Summer  


Living things and their habitats - Pt1

(Microhabitats) Forest School

Animals including humans (Diet and health)

Animals including Humans (Growth)

Uses of everyday materials


Changing Materials

The environment - Living things and their habitats

Living things and their habitats - Pt 2Plants - Growth and Care

Owls / Robins

(Cycle 2)


(Cycle 1)

Animals including Humans Skeletons and Muscles






Electricity and Light


Animals including Humans -teeth

States of Matter


Animals including humans - Digestion

Plants and living things


Light - Shadows

Plants and living things


Forces and Magnets

