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Key Stage One

Red Kites & Dragonflies Spring 1 Topic Web - 2025

Year 1 Overview - Cycle B



Autumn 1 

Autumn 2Spring 1 Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
English Talk 4 Writing
Maths Primary Stars - White Rose Maths
ScienceSeasonal Changes: AutumnPlants - Pt 1/ Seasonal Changes: Winter

Animals Inc.


Seasonal Changes: Spring / Plants - Pt 2Everyday MaterialsSeasonal Changes: Summer
Add in Scientists and Inventors lessons as they fit with topics


Teach Computing

Technology around us / e-safetyDigital PrintingA - Moving a RobotGrouping DataDigital WritingB - Introduction to Animation


Get Set 4 PE

Fundamentals / FitnessYoga / Ball SkillsGymnastics / Team BuildingDance / Invasion GamesTarget Games / Net & Wall GamesAthletics / Striking & Fielding
MusicMusic Service Sessions (Beth Brimmicombe)
REWhat do Christians believe God is like?Why does Christmas matter to Christians? How and why do we celebrate special times?What makes some places significant? What makes some places sacred to believers?Why does Easter matter to Christians?Who is Jewish? What do they believe and how do they live?Who is a Muslim? What do they believe and how do they live?



Class Charter / Being Me in my World 



Celebrating DifferencesDreams and GoalsHealthy MeRelationshipsChanges


TopicAUT: A Woodland WalkSPR1: IceSPR2: FireSUM: The Magic Toymaker

Significant individuals: Sir David Attenborough


(Guy Fawkes - Bonfire Night)

Significant historical events, people and places in our locality:  The significance of the River Flit and its medicinal properties. Significant individuals: The Race to the South Pole: Roald Amundsen vs. Robert Scott

Events beyond living memory: The Great Fire of London

Significant individuals: Samuel Pepys

Changes within living memory: history of toys, teddy bears.


Significant individuals: Ole Kirk Christiansen (Lego inventor)

  • Four countries, capital cities of UK; surrounding seas.
  • Geography of the school and its grounds; human and physical features of surrounding environment
  • Basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: Key physical features.
  • 7 continents and 5 oceans.
  • Seasonal and daily weather patterns in UK; hot and cold areas of the world, Equator, North/South Poles.
  • Human and physical geography of area of the UK, compared with contrasting country
  • Aerial photographs, recognise landmarks, human features, symbols & key. Compass directions and directional language.
  • Collage nocturnal animal display.
  • Leaf Art: Andy Goldsworthy sculptures.
  • Clay owls.
Graduating shades of colour - igloo paintingsFire paintingsAndy Warhol: Pop Art toys.
Design TechnologyPumpkin soup
  • Design, build and evaluate sugar cube igloos.
  • Design, make and evaluate mittens for an Inuit person.
Tudor houses (junk modelling)Thaumatropes, puppets (mechanisms) 3D mazes.
Possible Trips / Visits

Clay Workshop,

Herrings Green Farm

 Local Fire Service, Great Fire of London Workshop

Wardown Park

Childhood Exhibitions


Year One - Yearly Maths Overview

Year 2 Overview - Cycle B


 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1 Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
EnglishTalk 4 Writing 
MathsPrimary Stars / White Rose Maths
ScienceBiodiversity (Microhabitats)Animals Inc. HumansUses of Everyday MaterialsLiving things and their HabitatsPlantsScientists and Inventors
Add in Scientists and Inventors lessons as they fit with topics


Teach Computing

E safetyIT around usA - Robot AlgorithmsPictogramsB - Introduction to QuizzesCreating Presentations


Get Set 4 PE 

Fundamentals / FitnessYoga / Ball SkillsGymnastics / Team BuildingDance / Invasion GamesTarget Games / Net & Wall GamesAthletics / Striking & Fielding
MusicMusic Service - iPad Music SessionsMusic Service - Singing Sessions
REHow do we show care for others? Why does it matter?How and why do we celebrate significant times? What makes some celebrations sacred to believers?How do we show care for the Earth? Why does it matter?What is the 'good news' Christians believe Jesus brings?What can we learn from sacred books and stories?Who is an inspiring person? What stories inspire people?



Class Charter / Being Me in My World

Growth Mindset

Celebrating DifferenceDreams and GoalsHealthy MeRelationshipsChanges


TopicAUT: A Woodland WalkSPR1: IceSPR2: FireSUM: The Magic Toymaker

Significant individuals: Sir David Attenborough


(Guy Fawkes - Bonfire Night)

Significant historical events, people and places in our locality:  The significance of the River Flit and its medicinal properties. Significant individuals: The Race to the South Pole: Roald Amundsen vs. Robert Scott

Events beyond living memory: The Great Fire of London

Significant individuals: Samuel Pepys

Changes within living memory: history of toys, teddy bears.


Significant individuals: Ole Kirk Christiansen (Lego inventor)

  • Four countries, capital cities of UK; surrounding seas.
  • Geography of the school and its grounds; human and physical features of surrounding environment.
  • Basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: Key physical features.
  • 7 continents and 5 oceans.
  • Seasonal and daily weather patterns in UK; hot and cold areas of world, Equator, North/ South Poles.
  • Human and physical geography of area of the UK, compared with contrasting country.
  • Aerial photographs, recognise landmarks, human features, symbols & key. Compass directions and directional language.


  • Collage nocturnal animal display.
  • Leaf Art: Andy Goldsworthy sculptures.
  • Clay owls
Graduating shades of colour - igloo paintingsFire paintingsAndy Warhol: Pop Art toys 
Design TechnologyPumpkin soup
  • Design, build and evaluate sugar cube igloos.
  • Design, make and evaluate mittens for an Inuit person.
Tudor houses (junk modelling)Thaumatropes, puppets (mechanisms) 3D mazes.
Possible Trips / VisitsClay Workshop, Herrings Green Farm Local Fire Service, Great Fire of London WorkshopWardown Park Childhood Exhibitions


Year Two - Yearly Maths Overview
