- Kingsmoor Lower School, Kingsmoor Close, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1EY
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- 01525712448
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- schooloffice@kingsmoorschool.co.uk
It is our aim that children move on from Kingsmoor enthused and inspired by Maths, fluent in concepts taught and able to apply these skills across the curriculum. Children will develop skills in problem solving such as making generalisations and justifications in order to develop the essential reasoning skills they need beyond school.
We use the White Rose Maths Scheme to teach our Mathematics Curriculum, supplementing it with other schemes/resources, where necessary, to teach our daily Mathematics lessons.
We are also committed to helping children develop and maintain fluency and mastery in both written and mental calculations. To this purpose, we:
- Implement Flashback 4 activities during our school day.
- Develop Teaching for Mastery techniques within the entire lesson
- Develop Mastering Number techniques in Years R, 1 and 2
At Kingsmoor we teach the Mathematics elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Ladybirds and Rabbits (Nursery and Reception):
We teach the Mathematics National Curriculum from Year 1 -4.
Mathematics Programmes of Study Key Stages 1 and 2
All children are assessed in Maths, by their teachers, on a termly basis. Mrs. Seber then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area. This information informs future teaching and learning in Maths and also informs Pupil Progress Meetings between teaching staff to help identify children who may need extra support.
At the end of Year 4, children will also participate in the Multiplication Tables Check in June: