- Kingsmoor Lower School, Kingsmoor Close, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1EY
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- 01525712448
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- schooloffice@kingsmoorschool.co.uk
Latest Coronavirus Advice and Guidance
Please click the link below for the latest Government guidance regarding positive Coronavirus cases;
To report a confirmed Coronavirus case please click the link below;
Suspected / Confirmed Cases of Covid-19 Flowcharts
COVID-19 in Children and Teens
Information for parents and caregivers about COVID-19 in children and teens
The following link contains updated information on all known symptoms of Covid-19 in children;
School Admission Protocol During National Lockdown - February 2021
Essential Worker/Vulnerable Child Form
Please click the link below to complete the form;
For general advice about COVID-19 and the symptoms to look for, please visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
Guidance for Management of Covid-19 in Central Bedfordshire Education Setting (updated 01.10.2020)
Prevent in Education Update
Please find attached the Prevent in Education May newsletter.
Prevent in Education
Explaining the Coronavirus to Children
To access the short animations to help children understand Coronavirus, please click the link below:
Playmobil ROBert explains the Coronavirus to children:
We will continue to promote good hygiene practices at Kingsmoor. On Monday 2nd March we taught children how to wash their hands properly whilst humming 'Happy Birthday' to themselves. We are also going to be teaching some age-appropriate lessons shared by Public Health England about germs and hygiene.
Advice & Information
What you need to know...
Click here for up to date news and information on Coronavirus
Government announces move from Contain to Delay phase;
Click the link below to find out more information about what this means;
You can help to slow the spread of Coronavirus;
- Wash your hands often - with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- if you feel unwell, stay at home and do not attend work or school.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the bin.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces at home.
If you are worried about your symptoms, please call NHS 111 - do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.
Department for Education Coronavirus helpline
A new helpline has been launched to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline for advice and information.
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: DfE.coronavirushelpline@education.gov.uk
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 6pm
Coronavirus Update Letter
School Closure Update Letter
In the event of a school closure...
Steps taken to decide whether to close the school will be as follows;
- The Headteacher will liaise with the Local Authority and Chair of Governors and a joint decision will be made whether the school should remain open or not.
- The decision to open school, or not, will be communicated to staff and parents via the school website, Parent Hub, Social Media and Local Authority websites.
- Your child's education is important to us and in the event of a school closure, homework will be set via the school's website - more information to follow in the event of a school closure