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Consultation on proposed change of age range from Sept 2021

Consultation on proposed permanent change of age range from September 2021



The purpose of this document is to discuss proposed changes to the provision at Kingsmoor Preschool which requires lowering of the school’s age range.  In line with legal requirements, the school’s governing body are carrying out a preliminary consultation on the proposed changes.


The consultation period will run for 4 weeks from Monday 26th April to Tuesday 25th May 2021. The school's governing body will consider all comments received during the consultation period. We are consulting with all stakeholders as required by law when making changes to school age range arrangements, and will also advertise the proposal locally in order to gather the views of the wider community, including the other schools and pre-schools. 


What change is being proposed?

Kingsmoor preschool currently admit children the term after they turn 3.  We would like to lower this age to 2 years in line with other preschools from September 2021.

This will make the school's age range 2 - 9 years rather than the current 3 - 9 years. 

The proposed change will not change school’s determined admissions arrangements. Children who attend Kingsmoor preschool will not be guaranteed a place at the school. 

Why is the school proposing this change? 

Lowering the age range has been raised by a significant number of parents who currently register their children with other carers/nurseries at the age of 2 and then have to reregister them with school for the term after they turn 3.

    The main benefits of the proposed merger include: 

  • Children able to start education at the age of 2 without needing to move to another setting after only a year.
  • A smooth transition through the school for children starting from the age of 2.
  • Closer working relationships between the staff working across the age range.
  • Further access to early support and interventions for those children with additional needs.
  • Access to before and after school care provision for parents of pre-school children from the age of 2 years.



Will the proposed change result in any impact on current Kingsmoor Preschool provision?

We cannot foresee any adverse effect on the existing provision as the pre-school would carry on as normal and the day-to-day operations would continue to be run by the pre-school manager.

What will the impact be for other providers locally?

There may be some impact upon other local providers but this impact would only be for a short period as the children would naturally transfer as soon as they are able to.

What is the consultation process? 

This is the first phase of a two-phase statutory consultation process that the school is required to undertake regarding the proposed change.

Phase 1 involves: 

Preliminary consultation: 4 weeks from Monday 26th April to Tuesday 25th May 2021.  Kingsmoor Governing body will consider the responses: Tuesday 1st June 2021 

The second statutory phase will be undertaken by Central Bedfordshire Council, if requested by the school's governing body, after their consideration of the responses received during the first phase. 

Have your say

Due to the pandemic, we will not be able to host drop in sessions.  However, if you would like to find out more or have any questions, please contact the school office:  using the attached form or write to the Chair of Governors: Fiona Ball and/or Mark Osborne at the school address.


Please click the link to access the form and submit your response;


We need all responses by 3.30pm on Tuesday 25th May 2021. 
